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Frequently Asked Questions
Email address
The password you select will later be used to access the event app and other event resources.
First Name
Last Name
Name of Organization, Government, or Affiliation
Title or Position
Type of Organization
Select your nationality
Country of Residence / Jurisdiction
Select your country of residence / jurisdiction
Prefer not to say
Do you need an invitation letter for
VISA purposes
Additional Information for non-Filipino
Please note this information will not be shared and is required for those who need an invitation letter for VISA purposes.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Passport Number
Passport Date of Issue
Passport Date of Expiration
Do you have funding to attend the OGP Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting in Manila?
A limited number of travel scholarships will be available to support the participation of civil society and speakers from the Asia and Pacific region to attend the event.
Yes, I have the resources to cover my travel. I have funding or access to funding to cover my travel and other expenses.
No, I would need to avail of a travel scholarship to be able to attend
Maybe or not sure
Not Applicable (resident of the Philippines)
Twitter Handle
Dietary Preferences/Restrictions
Public Attendee List
As a practice, OGP usually releases a public attendee list including names, affiliations, and biographies so that attendees can plan their networking opportunities. Other personal details and email addresses are not shared.
Yes, share my information with other attendees.
No, do NOT share my information.
Please indicate if you would like to subscribe to any of the following OGP mailing lists.
OGP Newsletter - Monthly news magazine of the latest updates in open government.
OGP Gazette - Biannual technical update on OGP and the IRM.
OGP Civil Society Mailing List
OGP in the Eastern Partnership Newsletter and the Local Roundup
Photo Release
Photography, audio, and video recording may be taken and shared during and after the 2025 OGP Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting. By registering to attend the 2025 OGP Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting, you acknowledge and consent to this.
Yes, I acknowledge and consent to photography, audio, and video recording that may occur at the 2025 OGP Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting.
Code of Conduct
Yes, I agree to the
2025 OGP Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting Code of Conduct
Data Privacy Notice: This application will collect your personal and basic organizational information which will be used for the legitimate purpose of record-keeping, as well as to verify your identity, to confirm your participation in the regional meeting, to issue a participation letter for visa purposes, and to print badges and other materials. Any private information provided will not be disclosed publicly or to any third-party organization, without your consent.